Everything You Need To Know About Brake Repairs, Pads, And Rotors


As a car owner, it is crucial to maintain the condition of your brake system. Brakes are one of the most vital components of a car, and without a functioning brake system, you cannot trust your vehicle on the road. Your brake pads and rotors wear out over time and may need to be replaced, depending on the usage. If you’re due for a brake repair, keep reading to learn everything you need to know about brake repairs, pads, and rotors.

What Are Brake Pads?

To understand brake pads, let’s first understand how brakes work. Brake pads are designed to create friction against the rotor to slow or stop your car. When you apply the brake pedal, hydraulic pressure is created, which pushes the brake pads against the rotor. The heat from friction created with the rotor eventually stops the car. Brake pads wear out over time, typically in a range of 25,000-70,000 miles.

What Are Rotors?

Rotors are discs that your brake pads press against to slow or stop your car. Just like brake pads, rotors wear out over time and may need replacing. Most rotors can last between 30,000 and 50,000 miles before needing repair. However, driving patterns, type of car, braking habits, and usage can cause premature wear and damage to the rotors.

Types Of Brake Pads

There are two main types of brake pads: organic and metallic. Organic brake pads are made of non-metallic materials, such as rubber, carbon, glass, and high-temperature resins. Organic brake pads are quieter and produce less dust than metallic brake pads. However, organic brake pads wear out faster than metallic ones and are only suitable for light or average usage. Metallic brake pads are made of metal shavings, graphite, and other hard metals. They are durable and can resist wear and tear caused by frequent stops.

Signs Of Brake Pad Or Rotor Issues

Several signs indicate that your brakes must be serviced, repaired, or replaced. A spongy brake pedal, grinding, squealing, or screeching sounds, vibrating brake pedal, or if your car is pulling to one side when braking could indicate a problem with your brake pads or rotors. It is essential to address any brake-related issues to avoid potential safety risks or costly damage.

The brake system is one of your car’s most crucial safety features. Regular maintenance, such as periodic brake pad and rotor replacements, will ensure your car’s safe operation and performance. If you have any concerns about your car’s braking performance, consult a professional mechanic as soon as possible. Drive safely!

Images by Apriori1 from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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